
Whether its a chimney cleaning or a full restoration, we take pride in every task. Attention to detail and a love for what we do is the catalyst for our success. Since 1976  Kevin M Waggle has been restoring masonry structures throughout the Middle Atlantic States. Now in there second generation Kevin Jr. heads the Chimney division. He has 17 years experience and a expert knowledge of masonry chimney construction, restoration and waterproofing.


My name is Kevin Waggle, owner of Waggle Chimney. I offer 20 years experience of high quality chimney, masonry and waterproofing services. Licensed and insured, with referrals upon request, I assure the highest quality product at the most reasonable rate.

Please feel free to contact me if you may need any chimney, masonry or waterproofing services.

Thank You,

Kevin Waggle
Waggle Chimney & Masonry LLC